Our PRIDE Matrix

At Park Lane, we recognize students that exhibit positive behaviors that exemplify Panther PRIDE.

Student Behaviors 






PRIDE Behaviors

I will choose to have a positive attitude when I encounter challenges.

I am responsible for my choices and respect the outcomes of those choices.

I will do what is right even when no one is looking. 

I will persevere when things are hard.  

I am kind and I care about others.


I will use my time wisely and return to class quickly. 

I will use the restroom, flush, and wash my hands. 

I will respect the communal areas by cleaning up after myself.

I will stay focused by ignoring behaviors that might be  distracting me. 

I will respect personal space by staying in my own stall.  


I will be polite and enjoy the food choices provided to me.

I will clean up trays, tables and floors.

I will choose my seat wisely. 

I will listen and follow directions from the adults. 

I will be respectful of the food choices of others. 

I will include others who might need a friend.


I will model hallway 

behavior for others  

I will keep my hands to myself.

I will walk with a voice level 0.

I will go directly to and from my destination.

I will be respectful to the school  environment. 

I will respect that other classes are learning. 


I will use kind words and respect personal space.

I will be in control of my body and my words.

I will return all equipment to the proper place.

I will share and take turns.

I will respect personal space.;

I will report unsafe and bullying behaviors to adults

I will follow the rules and expectations of the playground.

I will listen to and follow directions the first time when spoken to by an adult.

I will get in line when the whistle is blown.

I can play with friends and include others. 

I will help others in need.


I will encourage the speaker and  performers with appropriate applause. 

I will respect personal space by keeping my hands to myself and staying in my assigned spot. 

I will use a level 0 voice during the performance. 

I will be respectful and I will actively listen to the performers. 

I will stay on my bottom so others can see.


I will treat the test as an opportunity to show what I know and understand

I will pay attention to my own test and read and answer the questions carefully

I will show what I know and answer questions to the best of my ability 

I will check my work to see that my answers are neat and complete

I will behave in a way that helps others do their best by remaining at a level 0 voice 

Panther Pride Voice Levels 

0:  Silent -
No one is talking 

1: Whisper –Whispering to one person  

2: Partner Talk –Conversation Voice 

3: Presenter – Speaking to large groups 

4: Emergency – Used outside in an emergency